In multi-site public authorities,
control your budgets
Are you a public authority managing central kitchens or catering facilities in the school, medico-social or public administration sectors?
Our solution is tailored to your catering segment.
Discover how Adoria, the software suite for public authority catering, helps you meet the sector's challenges

Manage your menu cycles & orders in compliance with your public procurement contracts
- Build your menu cycle in line with your quality policy and public contracts;
- Put your orders automatically from the menu cycle: simply enter your headcount or take-up rates.
- Precisely plot Daily Cost of Goods Sold and your budgets in line with your contracts.

Get in line with the EGalim law
- Measure precisely the percentages of purchases in SIQO, Organic and Local label products;
- Benefit from justificatives in the event of an inspection;
- Communicate these results to your users.

Pilotez votre production en Cuisine centrale
- Consolidate satellite requirementsto place orders simply;
- Manage your production by manufacturing station and generate production/delivery orders;
- Discover the Adoria x ePack Hygiene interface for compliance and digitalize your HACCP.
They trust us

Great expertise
Solution created
by restaurateurs
for restaurateurs

Project support
expert & available
All our project managers
are experts in the

deployment capability
Great operational experience
and deployment expertise,
from a few sites to
several hundred
Reference management platform for public authority catering
- Local and regional authorities
- Centralized menu development
- Advanced meal management mechanism
- Compliant with nutritional regulations
- Respect for hygiene and safety standards
- Food safety
- Quality of manufacturing processes
- Inventory management
- Fighting food waste
- Seeking the best financial balance
- Compliant with nutritional regulations
The work of those involved in catering for public authorities is based on a twofold challenge: to support the nutritional and public health policy planned upstream of establishment production, and to find the best financial balance for the management contract. The catering software for public authorities from the Adoria suite has over the years become the benchmark for operators of central kitchens (whether managed or delegated). Discover its functional scope!
Public procurement compliance and quality control assurance are two major elements taken into account in the organization and rationalization of territorial nutritional master plans.
We are here to help you significantly improve the management of your establishments (local authority or public institution). Adopt the Adoria public catering software:
- Optimize collective catering management with our software for Collectivité Publique
- What is Adoria CAPM ?
- Establishments and players in public authority catering
A true ERP for managing your food supply chain, Adoria is THE reference for yourpublic authority catering management software.
Catering management software for public authorities
Elected official, agent, professional in charge of defining and implementing local and sustainable catering policy...
Adoria will support you from the thought process to the implementation of your collective catering scheme.
The management of your catering policy takes many forms, all covered by Adoria's CAPM automation:
- Tendering in compliance with public procurement codes
- Purchasing and procurement are managed in real time, and rapidly reconciled with commitments
- Menu development and menu cycles reflect the territory's nutritional policy, as well as its diversity
- Meal delivery and room service are ensured ("access controls" in school catering or "patient's foot" in medico-social catering)
Framing and optimizing catering services in Public Authorities
For all types of public authority catering, such as EPLE (Etablissement Public Local d'Enseignement), Adoria has set up a software platform tailored to each of the public authority catering professions. The various modules of the Adoria offering are today considered the benchmark for public authority restaurant management; and the natural alternative to Presto CAPM software. Our software for public authority catering (territorial authorities, local authorities) is at the heart of catering issues and projects with:
- Regulations related to the implementation of organic produce
- Compliances for local market short circuits,
- The development of local players .
The catering software for public authorities is the global resource management solution for the food chain of major central kitchen players.
It's quick and easy to get to grips with, and the software is intuitive to use, tailored to the specific needs of your establishments, and your territory-wide food policy.
Adoria enables catering professionals in Public Authorities to benefit from tailor-made support:
- Compliance with health and safety rules and recommendations
- Analyze consumption profiles and guest expectations
- Designing a quality food offering
- Organize the supply chain by facility, meal processing and service .
- Manage tenders, food contracts, and optimize waste disposal
- Defining dashboards, using forward-looking management tools, facilitating decentralized decision-making
- Optimize management of badges, reloads and restaurant waits
Make your job easier by simply and efficiently managing allestablishments with software from the Adoria suite.
Local or regional authorities, the various modules that make up the catering software represent a set of innovative, future-proof features, giving you total control over your collective food policy.
Decentralized or not, from the definition of the catering offer to the control of the sanitary plan, offer a homogenized and secure production of the menus and menu cycles served every day in your community.
Make the difference with our catering software!
- Childcare facilities
- Public or private schools
- Leisure and extracurricular centers
- Hospitals
- Social and medico-social establishments,
- Public and private organizations providing care and food for their citizens.
With Adoria's catering software for public authorities, manage your local and central food policy at your complete convenience!
Beyond the type of establishment, each catering unit is unique in terms of its operation, human, material and financial resources.
Adoria fully understands your constraints, and adapts to offer you software integration at the heart of your Information System, respecting your existing master plan.
A collaborative platform created by professionals in the foodservice industry, Adoria structures the entire production chain for local or centralized regional food offerings.
At the heart of public food policies, the public community catering software features a veritable decision-making toolbox: centralized reporting, monitoring tables by establishment, consolidated ROI...
The integration of Adoria within your public authority is particularly well suited:
- in direct management by the local authority or school within the framework of political directives issued by town halls, the departmental council, the regional council, the State (public sector) or the OGEC (private sector) depending on the level of schooling served (crèche, nursery school, elementary school, collège, lycée, faculty)
- in management delegated to a service provider: central kitchens, on-site kitchens, or satellite restaurants served by a central kitchen
- in medical-social catering such as hospitals and retirement homes
- for other types of establishments such as prisons or the army supervised by the State through the supervisory Ministry
Save time with our software for catering in Collectivité Publique
In practice, public procurement contracts can prove complex, and local sourcing a difficulty to value in the community's economic objectives for a public buyer and for operators responding to Public Authority contracts.
With Adoria software for Public Authorities, you can be sure of quality support:
- Application of GEMRCN (Groupement d'Etudes de Marché ) recommendations in your establishments.
- Integration of the obligations of the Loi Alim.
Local and/or "organic" purchasing become major economic objectives
Our solution is made up of different business modules for an ultra-complete software package offering the best solutions for managing your local authority or regional authority restaurants.
Supplier order management, dashboard, cash register software, purchasing management, inventory tracking, or even vacation management: all management processes can be parameterized to steer your establishments efficiently.
Adoria supports public authority establishments in their efforts to comply with the Alim law.
Free yourself. Join the Adoria ecosystem!
Integrate our public catering software designed by and for public catering professionals.
Simplify the management of your establishments, manage your stocks with complete peace of mind, save time in your accounting reconciliations and integrations, control your food policy!