Home NewsCustomer choice in the age of algorithms

Customer choice in the age of algorithms

February 27 2023
conference algorithme sirha 2023

The entire Adoria team went to SIRHA Lyon, éworld event of Food Service and Hospitality, to meet with the main players in the restaurant industry.

Highlight of the show, we attended a conference entitled "customer choice in the age of algorithms", with interventions by Kevin Mauffrey, Sales Director of Deliveroo, and Albin-Dorian Juliard, Managing Director of Terroirs d'Avenir. Let's look back at this enriching exchange on consumption and food issues, in light of current challenges.

An intervention at the heart of today's and tomorrow's issues

SIRHA Lyon is an opportunity to exchange on all aspects of food. Today, between profitability and eco-responsibility, the issues are multiple and at the heart of the news. The innovations of recent years open opportunities in catering, depending on the objectives and needs; artificial intelligence and algorithms open new perspectives.

Albin-Dorian Juliard from Terroirs d'Avenir and Kevin Mauffrey from Deliveroo give their vision of algorithms before exchanging on the future prospects of this innovation both for customers and for the planet.

The algorithm at the service of consumers for Kévin Mauffrey

As a preamble, Kevin Mauffrey reminds us that we must demystify the term "algorithm", which can be frightening; there is, despite everything, human behind it, and an algorithm is not frozen in time, it learns. It allows restaurant owners and platforms like Deliveroo to identify the habits and desires of customers.

The algorithm can determine whether a restaurant is doing well, based on the fundamentals that are: beautiful photos, an effective description, well-run operations, good ratings (even by dish), ...
As for the restaurant owner, he can activate levers to be better positioned - and thus attract customers - at a moment T (e.g. promotions for new consumers or for current customers).

The goal of algorithms at Deliveroo is to convert a customer: it makes restaurant suggestions based on profile, based on habits and persona similarities.

Kevin Mauffrey sees this innovation as a very useful tool for both the restaurant owner and the platform, which will better understand the customer, their habits, potential needs, etc.; but they may eat bistro at lunch and want to eat QSR at night.

Algorithms are therefore at the service of the restaurateur and the consumer.

Algorithms to change eating habits, a hope for Albin-Dorian Juliard

Albin-Dorian Juliard expects algorithms to promote the consumption of products that are more respectful of the earth and living things. He compares the use that could be made of them to that of GPS, which propose as a priority the shortest routes, but also alternatives with less carbon impact.

According to him, it is necessary to get out of a logic of consumption centered around trends, to bring customers towards a more responsible consumption, healthy and seasonal products; this thanks to the algorithm, which would play an educational role.

"By proposing another way of consuming, the algorithm can serve an ecological performance, not only economic. And perhaps thus help us reconcile the two!"
Albin-Dorian Juliard, CEO of Terroirs d'Avenir

Algorithms would then be interesting to educate the customer, to guide them in more eco-responsible choices and products.

Future and outlook in the restaurant industry for the next five years?

Albin-Dorian Juliard sees the future rather pessimistically with many closures, but also openings. He hopes that the market will continue to expand, but with committed consumption.
In his opinion, it is the future of these platforms to offer diversity towards transition. He thus raises the question of whether Deliveroo could orient its proposals according to the carbon impact, like Waze or Google Maps following the Climate and Resilience Law?

The Sales Director of Deliveroo does not deny the idea and finds it interesting if the offer from restaurateurs is there. It would be complementary to the rest of the offer.
Kevin Mauffrey hopes to see Deliveroo continue to expand to offer all consumers the offers of good restaurants and local businesses, everywhere in France.

Algorithms, a usefulness according to the needs

The two leaders agree on an important point: we should not see in the algorithm a replacement for the human being since it takes humans to direct them, interpret them and guide them. However, this innovation will support the changes and help restaurant owners and catering platforms in their transition, whether it is ecological or more customer-centric.


An intuitive and powerful platform, Adoria facilitates the daily life of restaurant owners by optimizing operations and management. The Forecasting of order (Forecasting) is automated: from the history of sales and stock levels, the algorithm calculates the quantities to order.
Save time, reduce losses or breakage and maximize your turnover!"

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