Event catering, structuring a sector in full mutation!
June 17 2021
For the past few years, and especially since the changes in the lifestyle of the French, new trends are emerging in the world of event catering. Caterers are reinventing themselves, and the gourmet event catering sector is renewing itself to fit in with the new trends.
The world of catering has reinvented itself
The world of event catering is also in the midst of a major reinvention. At a standstill for several months, the industry has found a way to diversify, and adapt its offerings to the situation.
New products offered
Far from giving up, caterers have chosen to continue to offer their catering services in spite of gathering restrictions, curfews, or even confinements. How? By offering their dishes in new forms, in response with the new current demands.
Special curfew appetizer platters, assortments made for a reduced committee, replacement of buffets by individualized bites, but also a proposal of delicatessen products.
A new way of serving through the drive-thru
With most events held at home, consumers could no longer come to events. That's why many caterers decided to come to them, offering their cuisine on drive-thru or delivery. Online store, refrigerated truck, revamped menu... A wind of freshness blew through caterers, and induced new trends in event gastronomy.
New trends in event catering
The changes imposed by the past situation have finally integrated the daily life and habits of the French, and new trends are emerging in the event catering sector.
The disappearance of the buffet
As a result of the health crisis, event organizers and caterers have had to rethink the way they serve their dishes. Gone are the self-service buffets, welcome to casual dining. Small portions presented individually, for a more casual and intimate atmosphere, in line with pre-pandemic trends that tend to move away from overly complex dishes.
Digitization at the service of catering
The rise of QR codes is even reaching the catering sector. Many of the scanable codes are flourishing on the edges of tables on patios. This digital solution allows to display the menu directly on the customers' smartphones, thus avoiding them to use physical menus. Beyond a simple virtual menu, some restaurants even offer remote ordering. By scanning the QR code, your customers will be able to order their food and drink from the table. No more waiting in line at the counter!
Towards sustainable event catering
The trend in 2021 is Green and local. This wave of renewal that is blowing over collective, fast-food and commercial catering obviously reaches caterers and the event sector.
The place to short circuit
It's no longer a secret: the culinary trend is towards Green and short circuit. During small and large events, local and handmade are therefore the order of the day. Caterers and event planners are invited to support local restaurateurs and producers, and to use seasonal ingredients. Plus, it's a very popular initiative with consumers.
Vegetarian and vegan options
The coast of dishes and options without meat or animal products continues to grow. So now is the time to reinvent your event catering offerings, and offer ranges that are inclusive of all types of diets. With meat substitutes and fauxmages making a splash, you can innovate by including them in your dishes.